It is easy to join the My First Century challenge. For those new to VeloPro, just follow these steps:
For current VeloPro athletes:
Once you sign up for My First Century, you'll be eligible for discounts on cycling products and services from our sponsors. You'll also receive a weekly digest of articles and videos designed to inspire you and help you train.
To make sure you have time to get fit and comfortable on your bike, make sure to select a century at least 16 weeks in the future. If you are an intermediate cyclist, or already very fit, choose an event at least 12 weeks in the future. If your friends think you're crazy for taking on such a challenging goal, don't worry you can still train and be victorious! We'd love for you to ride with us in one of our featured century rides.
For those who can't travel to one of our featured events, you can also sign up for any century in your local region and country. Click here for a calendar of 2019 century rides for the U.S.A. Again, choose a century 12-16 weeks in the future so you have adequate time to train.
When you triumphantly complete your century, send an email to on how you did at your event. Send pictures! Also, be sure to upload your century ride into VeloPro. All MFC participants who finish their first century will get a cool keepsake memento. If for some reason, you don't make it to the end of your century, we'd still like to know. Sometimes things happen that are beyond our control, but often these experiences are character building and make for great stories. Even experienced riders can sometimes face insurmountable difficulty. Your friends at VeloPro know this first hand! Try. Train. Triumph!